Friday, December 18, 2009

Which shampoo brands make your hair fall out a lot?

From my experience, Herbal Essences and Pantene shampoos make my hair fall out a lot compared to other shampoos.

Which shampoo brands make your hair fall out a lot?
Well Staci (my sister spells her name like that) hair falls out regardless. If your hair is in a ponytail or tied back with something a lot, you will have a lot of breakage %26amp; damage to your hair.

Depending on your hair type is what kind of shampoo %26amp; conditioner to use. Pantene is actually a better one to use for breakage so it's weird that you name that brand.

It also could be your diet too.

If your hair is falling out in big chunks, it si definitely time to visit your doctor.Which shampoo brands make your hair fall out a lot?
i agree! i stopped using herbal essences and switched to Aussie, Garnier, and Tresseme. My hair is thin and i try to use shampoos that add volume to my hair. I would suggest the same!

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