Thursday, December 24, 2009

If I use different brands of shampoo and conditioner will it ruin my hair?

Entire world is attentive towards herbal hair care products.

Throw all your these synthetic and toxic chemical based hair care products and shampoos in the garbage box and try herbal products for your hair care. These products have no side effects,

India is the biggest producer of herbal products. Shikakai shampoo and shikakai powder is the best herbal hair acre product I know.

I can send you its samples free of cost by courier if you want.If I use different brands of shampoo and conditioner will it ruin my hair?
Nice to know that still people take note of good advices. Report Abuse
If I use different brands of shampoo and conditioner will it ruin my hair?
no. But if they are two different fruity smells you will smell like a fruitcake :)
i don't think that using different brands of shampoo and conditioners will ruin your hair, it will maybe a little variation in chemical components but will perform the same task none the less.

In fact i find from personal experience that if i use one brand for too long my hair tends to lose some of it's shine and varbance so i often change my hair products and i have extremely healthy hair.
I vary mine all the time, different shampoos, different conditioners. Seems to me that my hair reacts better when I keep changing around. Almost like the hair needs the different chemicals, vitamins, etc. and no one single shampoo and conditioner has them. Anyhow, it won't ruin your hair. Might make it better.
Did you know that if you use the same shampoo for let's say-a year- it can cause build up in your hair? so yes i would switch brands at least every 4 months

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