Thursday, December 24, 2009

What Indian shampoo brand is best to control hairfall?

I already have short hair and the hairfall makes me look horrible! Please help! Only recommend those that you've used yourself; not hearsay. I live in a non-metro city, so don't suggest foreign brands.What Indian shampoo brand is best to control hairfall?
well, for me dove worked out far better than anything else.. but wat works for me not work for u coz the hair, just lik skin in unique to its owner... i wud suggest going natural is the best coz in the long run, it prevents greys, dandruff n spilt ends,also good on the eyes.. if ur a workin woman, yea, a chemical shampoo wud do the trick due to time constraints on the weekdays. weeknds or weneva u hav tim u can either use meera shikakai powder, or better still, do the foll:

use gram flour as a base, mix leaves of neem (prevents dandruff n lice), curry leaves,hibiscus(both prevent greyin n facilitates new growth),a bit of tulsi(disinfectant again),a bit of pudina (keeps d scalp cool), aloevera(acts lik conditioner)..u can either use fresh leaves or dried n powderd 1z.. to the mix, u can also add hibiscus flowers (white color is top priority), curds, a bit of dhaniya (corainder seeds), methi(fenugreek) in small quantities wchs is prev soaked n softend in milk (to cool d scalp), tea decoction, mehendi leaf or powder... i generally make a paste n apply as a hair pack...its nt a rule dat u shud add ALL of these, u can make a paste of anythn dats avail... plain simple gram flour w/o anythn added also is a natural cleanser.

keep the pack for abt 15mins-1/2n hr on pre oiled hair, wash it off with luke warm water...the besan(gram flour) will help in removin oil.. its not necessary to shampoo hair later bt in the beginin stages, anybdy who doesnt hav experience will b unable to wash off the paste compltly, such cases, meera powder or shampoo can b used..

u can also use rita as a conditioner irrespectiv of how u wash ur hair. it facilitates growth n strenght of fine hair, n prevents spilt ends... u can eithr grind rita @ d mill or boil it whole so dt it softens n grind after cool... this paste can b applied to hair after a wash n bring to lather n wash ... shampooing again , not necessry..

while usin all these ingredients, even d best washed hair will haves som residue of flour or the fiber of rita stickin on.. will fall off while brushin the hair after it dries..

PS:shikakai n rita is avail in so calld 'temple stores'...What Indian shampoo brand is best to control hairfall?
1st of all....keep this in ur mind that..what worked for others wont work for you.., cuz you might be having different quality of hair than what i have..., so best is..u go to some hair speciality n find out what suits best for ur kind of hair.

for my hair ';pantin'; suits.

But if ur going through serious hair fall..then i 'ld say..try Ayurveda based shampoo..., cuz if it wont atleast wont damage ur hair more.., cuz triale n error ..may have worst effect on ur hair.
frankly felicia, if u really want to control your hairfall u have to go with foreign brands somehow. but I m suggesting u. U can go for loreal n there is matrix biolage named shampoo available in good profssional salons.N if not working than go with ramdeo baba hair treatment products.
See none of shampoo can stop hairfall, shampoo just cleane the scalpe so it don't get infected ,hairfall have many reason leak of nutritional diet,hereditary or any skip infection etc
Head %26amp; Shoulders is the by far the best shampoo as i know....

It keeps your hair smooth, and even controls dandruff and hair fall...

Hair and care - hair fall defence mechanism
dove shampoo

the best......
dove shampoo is the best.
i cant tell u that bt i can sure tell u tat pantene truly isnt!!! dnt ever use tat or u will end up with no hair at all!!!

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