Monday, December 28, 2009

Does hair ';get used to'; shampoo and conditioner brands?

I think it does. Some shampoos leave a build up over time.Does hair ';get used to'; shampoo and conditioner brands?
Yes! Hair gets used to shampoo and doesn't 'cooperate' as well. Its always good to switch up your brands from time to time. Even if its the same brand, and a different variation (sleek vs volumizer, etc).

I generally change mine after I run out of the bottles. Even if you just go back and forth between two kinds, it really does make a difference.Does hair ';get used to'; shampoo and conditioner brands?
I heard you are supposed to use different types of shampoos and conditioners every 2-3 months to help your hair stay it's best.
Yes, so every one to two months you should try a new shampoo and conditioner to change it up!! You hair tends to look and feel healthyer!!!
Yeah it does. My dermotologist told me to switch every 6 months.
Yes so it's better to change.

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